CPC Group is a privately owned Group based in Guernsey.
Established in 2004 to specialise in exclusive residential developments around the world, CPC Group has diversified into other areas of investment such as financial services.
An ambitious company with a fierce growth agenda CPC evaluates strategic opportunities with the aim of increasing their portfolio in key international cities. Creative in thinking, CPC continually promotes innovative ideas and seeks out similar-minded businesses as partners.
Our achievements to date are considerable with an extensive number of projects under development. Critical to this success is our appreciation of risk and our ability to control and manage this throughout the development cycle.
Our flexible team structure allows us to ensure total commitment and focus on individual ventures, which in turn we believe ensures we can deliver success more quickly and effectively than the competition.
Our investment approach focuses on achieving strong market returns, improved by carefully identifying undervalued assets or opportunities where we can add value over and above our competition.
We consider all stakeholders, not only equity partners and banks, but also the environment we work in and the people it affects. We understand that our buildings form our legacy and it is important for us to appreciate and be sympathetic to our surroundings.

CPC Group Ltd
Martello Court
Admiral Park
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 3HB
Email: cpcgroup@intertrustgroup.com